Steeple Langford Allotment Trust, a lasting legacy in the Parish.
The provision of allotments in Steeple Langford on the current site began in 1866. As such it is an important part of the Parishes heritage; and the Trustees are working hard to retain it for all the people of the Parish. Over the last 156 years it has seen productive times and times of little use. Once again it is now a thriving community of enthusiastic growers who love the opportunities this land provides. The majority of the Trustees are allotment holders, happy to share their time and experience with others. It’s not just the growing of food and flower crops, bee keeping, poultry keeping and community fruit trees, and herb bed that are so appreciated, it’s the camaraderie and the closeness to nature. It is also the sense of building something for the future, as well as preserving something from the past.
On 24 of June 2022 the objects of the Trust were expanded to allow the Trustees to provide community amenities that can be enjoyed by all the parish. The Charity Commission agreed that the objects of the Charity needed to be expanded to be more in line with 21st century thinking and social attitudes. The Trust is committed to reinstating more allotment ground, we have 20 plots leased at present, and once we can install rabbit proof fencing that will increase.
If you want a few quiet minutes with nature, in the heart of Steeple Langford, do stroll along and sit in the orchard.
If you are interested in having your own allotment, please contact us, we would love to hear from you.
Mary Middleton SLAT Chairperson.
Email address.
Mobile 07498713494