
South West Wiltshire Area Board Christmas event at the Nadder Centre, Tisbury on the 10th December for older people.

The South West Wiltshire Area Board is organising a special Christmas event at the Nadder Centre, Tisbury on the

10th December for older people.  Timing is : 1.30pm-3.30pm – and the event is for all older people living in the 39 parishes of

South West Wiltshire.

The ever popular Celebrating Age Programme is organising the entertainment (Salisbury Big Band), and the local primary school is helping with the event too, to make it an intergenerational fun occasion.

Flyer attached and small plea below for help in advance :

  1. Could you help on the day – as a friendly face, washer upper, cake server, moral supporter?
  2. Could you help on the day if there is a need for transport support (we have a small expenses budget to reimburse you)?
  3. Could you help us ensure we are reaching older people that are especially isolated and would like to attend this event, I don’t want to leave this one just to general promotion

If you could help – please contact:

Karen Linaker – the Strategic Engagement & Partnerships Manager of the Salisbury, Southern and South West Wiltshire Leisure, Culture & Communities Department  by email by 15th November.  Email: