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Crime prevention advice
Following several recently reports via 101, and potentially more incidents that have gone unreported, Amesbury Rural Policing Team has contacted the Parish Council to advise that they will increase...
Cost of living advice and support
Wiltshire Council has provided a link on their website to cost of living advice and...
Illegal use of Parish Byways by Cross Country Motorbikes
Parishioners have suffered from cross country motorcycle misuse of byways within our Parish for many years, but this abuse has increased considerably since Covid 19 began. In particular, SLAN 8 (a...
Hedges and Trees
Thank you to those of you who have cut back hedges and overhanging trees that were obstructing the highways and pavements. If your property has hedges or trees bordering a highway and/or pavement...
Wiltshire Council Fly Tipping Reporting Campaign
Wiltshire Council have launched a new campaign to encourage you to report fly-tippers. If you spot someone fly-tipping in Wiltshire, report the offender to Wiltshire Council, and as a reward...